Sunday, June 22, 2014

Workflow Instance Report across site collection using Powershell script

Hi All,

I have written the script to retrieve the workflow instances that associated across a specific site collection.

The script will iterate through each item in the list/library for all sub sites in the site collection and provides the workflows associated with the status, status url, item id, workflow name, workflow instance id.

param ([boolean] $writeToFile = $true)
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Add-Type @'
 public class workflowItem
   public string weburl;
   public string ListURL;
   public string Item;
   public string workflowname;
   public string status;
   public string InstanceId;
   public string url;

$itemsCollection = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]';
$exportfile = $currentdatetime = get-date -format "yyyy-MM-d.hh-mm-ss";

#Counter variables
 $webcount = 0
 $listcount = 0
 $associationcount = 0

$sitename =  Read-Host "Enter site collection url"
$site=Get-SPSite -Identity $sitename


if($webs.count -ge 1)

foreach($web in $site.Allwebs)

 write-host $web 
 #Grab all lists in the current web
 $lists = $web.Lists
 foreach($list in $lists)
 $associations = @()
    #Get all workflows that are associated with the current list
             foreach($listassociation in $list.WorkflowAssociations)
 $associations += $($
 $listcount +=1

 if($associations.count -ge 1 -and $list.items.count -ge 1)

 foreach($item in $list.items)

foreach($wf in $item.workflows)

     $wfItem = New-Object workflowItem


 $webcount +=1


$itemsCollection | export-csv "$exportVersionLocation" -noType
The csv file will be generated in the root directory where the script placed and executed,

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