Sunday, October 14, 2012

Powershell startup

Hi Guys,

I started learning powershell scriping recently and I noted my learning updates here for quick reference

  1.  To add powershell snap-in
           Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Sharepoint.Powershell

If you are unable to add snapin to the powershell console, you may not have sufficient permissions to do the scripting.

Here are the steps to get the permissions to run the scripts.

You should have access to sharepoint shell configuration database and here is the cmdlet.

Add-SPShellAdmin -username contoso\user1

You have to perform the above step by using farm administrator privileges. The above command adds the user name specified to the Sharepoint_shell_access role on the configuration database.

If you want to give permission to a specific content database for a webapplication, specify the database parameter
Add-SPShellAdmin -username contoso\user1 -database guid

   2.    To get help on any command,
           help Get-SPSite

    3.   To get examples on the cmdlet.

          Get-SPSite -examples

4.        To get information about the site,

          Get-SPSite http://litware | select owner, Name, Description

5.       To know about the features in a site collection

         Get-SPFeature -site http://litware
6.      To activate the features

         Enable-SPFeature -identity GUID -url http://litware

7.    To install the feature,

        Install-SPFeature featurename
        e.g Install-SPFeature  MyCustomFeature
       Before installing the feature, make sure that, the feature files are deployed correctly in 14 hive features    folder.

8.     To add the solution to the farm,
       Add-SPSolution solutionname
       e.g. Add-SPSolution  "D:\mycustomsolution.wsp"

9.    To deploy the solution to the GAC
        Install-SPSolution -identity mycustomsolution.wsp -webapplication http://litware  -GACdeployment

 10. To update the solution
       Update-SPSolution -identiy mycustomsolution.wsp -literalpath "d:\mycustomsolution.wsp" -GACdeployment

11. To uninstall the solution from the web application
      Uninstall-SPSolution -identity mycustomsolution.wp -webapplication http://litware

12. To remove the solution from farm
      Remove-SPSolution -identity mycustomsolution.wsp

Below is the example
Powershell script to install a feature for all the site collections in a farm with known GUID

Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell
foreach($webapp in $webapplications)
write-host "processing webapplication with name, id" + $webapp.Name, $id

foreach($site in $webapp.Sites)
write-host "processing site collection -" + $name
foreach($web in $site.AllWebs)
write-host "processing web" +$web.title
if($web.features[GUID] -eq $null)
enable-spfeature -identity GUID -url $web.url -confirm:$false



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