Tuesday, September 24, 2013

SharePoint Health Analyser automated mail using Powershell

Hi guys,

Got a requirement to send the farm health report to the farm adminstrators group to get the updates automatically throgh the mail.

After some research, I found the basic power shell script which pulls the data from Health Reports list in the central administration web application

I modified and updated the script to get the severity incidents in the HTML tabular form ,

We can execute the script with task scheduler for automation.

Content Query web part --Querying multiple specific lists

Hi guys,

How to query the data from multiple lists in SharePoint using content query webpart?

 I have a simple requirement to display the latest 5 document links from multiple document libraries in the current site.

 In general, share point out of the box feature provides the way to query the data from a particular list or all the lists/document libraries in a site or entire site collection.

 If you want to query the data from multiple specific lists, you have to do in in the below way.

 Add the content query webpart to the page,by editing the page and it comes in Content Roll up category. Note- if you are not able to see content query webpart in content roll up category, then your site's publishing feature is not activated. Activate that feature at the site collection level and also at the site level [make sure you have site collection administrator rights.]

 In the content query web part tool box section, select the radio button, that shows "select all the lists/document libraries in the site" and do the remaining filter and sort options, presentation things as per your requirement.

 Finally click Apply button ,then save the page and do the export web part.

 Open the .webpart file after you export it, modify the .webpart file in designer and then find the below property "ListsOverride ".

Get the List GUIDs from the list settings page, for which you want to query the lists.

 Modify that tag similar to the below one.

SharePoint 2010 List color codes indiacator using HTML calculated columns

Hi guys,

I have the requirement to build the dashboard designer based on the data from the list. After research on the google, I am able to find the simple way to achieve it using html calculated columns.

Below is the brief description about it for reference.

For example, you have the choice field to show the field "Kickoff" status to green for in progress, red for delay and yellow for hold on.

I created the calculated column to name it as "KICKOFF" and wrote the calculated formula as follows.


Once the user selects the Kickoff field to green from choice dropdown, the dashboard field will be updated with green bullet.

Similarly for other fields, you can write the html calculated fields easily based on the choice specified in the original field.


In above one ,if the choice field "Final presentation" selected by user is Red, the calculated field show red bullet in dash board.

Once you insert the list view webpart in the page, modify the view of list to display the calculated fields .

After that , your job is not completely done.  You have to modify the columns value in sharepoint designer.

Open the list view webpart in designer and select the calculated field, then go to properties and then write

xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes"

Save and close the page. Refresh the page in webpage and see the color dashboard.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Dataform webpart throws error XSLT timeout error

In the data form webpart, if the xslt transformation takes more than one second, the stack overflow exception would be thrown and error message displayed to the user.

To increase the transformation time out, the below power shell script is required.

Activating FAST search feature using power shell script

Hi Guys,

I had a chance to check whether the fast search feature is activated on your site collection or not using power shell script.

If you navigate to the below url, then you are able to find the fast search feature status

Fast search feature is the hidden one, where you need to activate that one using power shell console only through farm administration rights.

Here is the powershell command to know the features activated on your site collection

Get-SPFeature -site siteurl |sort displayname.

If you do not find the feature named "Search Extensions" in the activated features list, you need to activate the hidden feature manually using Fast search feature GUID.

Enable-SPFeature -ID "5EAC763D-FBF5-4d6f-A76B-EDED7DD7B0A5" -site sitecollectionurl

SharePoint List item do not update modified time and modified user


I had a requirement to not update the modified user and modified date on the list items with the ability to update the items in the list.

This situation comes like in the production sharepoint sites, the documents modified time and modified by fields are updated by business users and while doing code executions on these items, those modified fields on the lists items should not be updated with system account and latest time.

For this, we used the item.systemupdate(true/false) method.

Here is the script, we had to run on each item in the document library in the entire site collection to make the item update , but without updating modified by and modified time.

Our requirement was to delete the minor versions in the entire site collection, so we recommended the approach of enabling version history with setting "Keep the following no of minor versions" to 1 or 2 or 3.

So if we set 1 for the setting, only the current published minor versions other published versions will exist and all other minor versions will be deleted.
But this job will be done only the item has to be checked out with check in /discard checkout action.

To avoid manual action on each item, we prepared the following script.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Permissoins required for doing backup job in SharePoint 2010

Hi All, The below permissions are required on the backup folder you created to complete the required backup job.
1. Sharepoint timer service account --i.e on which account the timer jobs are running in your farm --> go to services.msc and check the service properties

2. SQL server service instance -- i.e. on which account, the sql service is running in your database server -->go to services.msc and check the service properties

3. The user who is doing the backup job--

These above users should have full control on the backup folder

For better performance, create the backup folder in the sql server itself, so that the network speed would not be a problem.Later you can copy the content to network drive for restore operation.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Modify Webpart Title Color, background color, Header background,

Hi All, Recently I had to work on some custom css changes in my team site home page. I need to change the Color of the Webpart titles, background color of the total webpart and header. To achieve these things easily ,I first had to go to developer tools (short cut : F12 or Tools -->Internet options -->Developer Tools) of the required page and then understood what the css classes were written in CoreV4.css file for existing styles of the web part and the page. We need to override these css classes in our custome code in master page or CEWP. Here is my work for different categories.

Code for changing the color of Webpart title

 <style type="text/css">
 .ms-WPTitle {
      COLOR: #d47600; FONT-WEIGHT: bold
 .ms-WPTitle A:link {
      COLOR: #d47600; FONT-WEIGHT: bold
 .ms-WPTitle A:visited {
      COLOR: #d47600; FONT-WEIGHT: bold
Code for Changing webpart header background color
 <style type="text/css">
 .ms-WPHeader {


Code for Changing the Total Webpart background color: If you want to change the background color for a required webparts in the page, you should first locate the id of the webpart. This could be found by using again developer tools, open developer tools, select "Find Element by click" on menu, switch to your site page, then locate the webpart with mouse and then identify ID highlighted in Developer tools. Here is the script for that changing color:
 <style type="text/css">
 .s4-wpcell#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ7 {

In the above snippet,.s4-wpcell is the css class for total webpart box and we are applying only for the webpart with the id "MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ7 ". if you want to change for all the webparts, you could directly use the single css code like here
 <style type="text/css">

Code for removing the headers of list/document libraries
 <style type="text/css">

Code for removing left quick launch panel
 <style type="text/css">


You can apply directly in CEWP for quick testing of these css snippets.
For adding the styles in master page, it would be recommended to maintain a separate style sheet in styles library of the top level site and give that style sheet reference in master page head tag like below.
 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../style%20library/CustomCSS/Mystyles.css" />   

Add Background image to the site page

Hi Guys, I had a requirement from customer to add a background image to the existing site page. I just wrote a css style to achieve this through Content editor webpart. Here I noted downn my brief work . The Background image needs to be applied to the BODY tag of the page and here is my css script.
 <style type="text/css">

.s4-ca {
 BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent

In addition to the above code,you must add the background color transperent style to overcome the white background. Use this code in CEWP, if you have a requirement in only page, Otherwise, add the same style snippet in Master page head tag if you have enough permissions.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

SharePoint Content DB size mismatch

Hi, Once you enable the quota limit in central admin for a site collection and do check the _layouts/storman.aspx page, you are able to see the site storage space. But, you may find some difference in the actual content db size and the statistics shown in the above page. To recalculate it again, use the below power shell script. $site=get-spsite -identity http://sitecollectionurl $site.RecalculateStorageUsed()

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Back up the farm using power shell

I got a requirement from my client to take the backup of the farm on a weekly basis using automated scheduler.

we do have a standard powershell cmdlet, that helps us in taking the back up of farm using backup-spfarm cmdlet.

We could do the job on a dialy or weekly basis with power shell script and windows task scheduler.

After I searched for some time , I got an excellent blog from http://sharepointpolice.com/ .

Here is the same script , I used for my farm.

How to hide recently modified documents in the masterpage

Hi All, Just want to note my small work on hiding recently modified document link in the sharepoint site. If you want to do it for all pages in the site, go to master page of the site using designer and write the below css snippet in the head tag. If you want to hide the same for a particular home page only, add the same css in CEWP webpart.

Hide fields in the list view web part using jquery

Hi Guys,

I had a requirement to hide the list fields in the list view web part.

For example, in a workflow, I have a course training custom list with multiple columns, where the students want to enter their data like name, course required, timings etc and course  faculty need to see additional fields like approved/rejected, his availability etc.

For students, they should not see approved column while they submit the course request.

This could be possible through  a simple j query, in a content editor web part with specifying target audience.

Here is the jquery code.

$('nobr:contains("Approved")').closest('tr').hide(); //"Approved" is your required column to hide.

The code works like this
When you go to view source of the page, you could see the fields names with the tag "nobr" associated to it. So query those tags with jquery selector and hide its nearest 'tr'.

So if the above code does not work for you, make sure  to check the view source of the page and see the field name tags.