I had a small requirement from my manager to display the team mates birth days in the team site for the current month.
I searched for the already existing solutions in the net and able to replicate one of them using a simple OOB approach.
You just need a custom list to store the team mates names and birth day dates and need to do some calculated columns . Thats enough.
Below are the steps explained.
- Create a custom list named TeamBirthdayList and add the columns name, birthday as date type and other details if needed to display like mail id and mobile no.
- create a column named "currentdate" and make default value as today's date with date only.
- Create two calculated columns named "startmonth" and "endmonth".
- startmonth calulated formula as DATE(YEAR(currentdate),MONTH(Birthday),1)
- endmonth calulated formula as DATE(YEAR(currentdate),MONTH(Birthday)+1,1)-1.
- Now create another column named "BirthdayOrder" as calculated column to sort the list according to the date. the formula will be like this : DATE(YEAR(currentdate),MONTH(birthday),DAY(birthday))
- Now, add this list as listview webpart in the page and change the view settings like below steps.
- Sort the items as per birthday order field .
- IN the filter section, startmonth is less than or equal to [Today] and endmonth is greater than or equal to [Today]